Vinny Gersen
We are the driving force behind Shipedge, the comprehensive platform revolutionizing digital commerce logistics and order management. Our mission is clear: to empower your teams, elevate KPIs, and streamline every facet of your business. Join us in transforming the way commerce logistics is managed, one efficient solution at a time.

Shipedge Version 10.6

What’s new in 10.6? We’ve been listening to your needs as well as closely...

Shipedge Version 10.6

What’s new in 10.6? We’ve been listening to your needs as well as closely...

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Shipedge Version 10.6

What’s new in 10.6? We’ve been listening to your needs as well as closely monitoring everchanging e-commerce and...

Shipedge Version 9.9.1

Release Notes Note:  You will need to clear your browser cache to see some of the...

Shipedge Version 9.8.3

Shipedge Improvements We are sending you this email to let you know that Shipedge is rolling out some updates, and...

Shipedge Version 9.8

Release Notes​ Note:  You will need to clear your browser cache to see some of the improvements. ...

Shipedge Version 9.7

Release Notes​ Note:  You will need to clear your browser cache to see some of the improvements. ...

What Is Pre-Manifest Picking and When Should You Use It?

Pre Manifest Picking means preparing a shipment and purchasing a shipping label before picking the order. Post Manifest Picking is the opposite – picking then prepping. There is room for a mix of both in most operations.

Prepare For Holiday Fulfillment

It is September, which may seem a touch early to start to prepare for holiday fulfillment, but with a strong...

Buying Software in Q4

You want a new WMS, but you aren't sure if buying software in Q4 is a smart move. We’ve begun our approach to the...

Android ver 21.0.5 Updates

- User action in history bin: Any action performed by the user is now visible in History Bin views for the warehouse....

Introducing Shipedge Torch

Introducing Shipedge Torch We’ve been very excited but also very hush here at Shipedge about our latest development...

5 Tips to Boost Your Site’s SEO

If you want to be read, you’ve got to be found. Search Engine Optimization (or SEO, as it’s often called) is extremely...

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6 Tips to Reduce Supply Chain Costs

Concerns over operational costs are intensifying, prompting businesses to adapt their strategies swiftly. In a volatile landscape, prudent entrepreneurs recognize the pressing need to fortify their bottom line through cost-cutting measures. In this article, we delve...

11 AI eCommerce Logistics Processes

As the demand for faster delivery and seamless customer experiences increases, businesses are leaning on AI-powered solutions to meet the growing needs of consumers. Embracing innovative technologies has become crucial, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a...

What is ABC Analysis and How is it Used in Warehousing?

Efficient inventory management is crucial for optimizing operations in warehousing. One of the most effective methods for categorizing and managing inventory is ABC analysis. This blog post will explore ABC analysis in detail, explaining its principles, benefits, and...

Guide to Efficient Inventory Turnover Ratios

From startups to established enterprises, efficient inventory turnover is a critical aspect of thriving in today's dynamic business landscape. Understanding how inventory turnover affects operational efficiency and profitability can give your business a competitive...

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