Lot Control

WMS Feature Highlight


Simplify warehousing
operations with our
inventory control tracking features.

Inventory lot control introduces manufacturing batch level traceability into your supply chain process and protects your customers.

Our warehouse management system automates the inventory lot control process.


Inventory Lot Control

Main Feature Benefits

Compliance – Many industries need to comply to certain rules or regulations and lot tracking can be a tool to ensure compliance.

Protect Customers – In the event of a recall lot tracking allows you to quickly compile a list of customers who have received your product based on a bad batch or lot. This allows for swift action. Any remaining warehoused product can also be automatically blocked.

Sample Industry Use Cases

Recallable Product Goods


Regulatory Compliance

Many industries require the tracking of lot numbers from the manufacturing process through delivery to customer. Having this information readily available or reporting it to the correct regulatory organization can be automated through Shipedge.


Recall Protection

In the event of a product recall you are able to find out what customers and how many are affected so you can protect your consumers. This also is important to finance, insurance, compliance, and other purposes related to your business operations.


Manufacturer Traceability

Understanding costs and manufacturer or manufacturing plant performance is key to efficient product sourcing. A high defect rate needs to be corrected with manufacturers and facilities. Inventory lot control helps you manage based on metrics.



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Common Questions

Serial number tracking is an important part of daily operation so we have tried to make it as easy as possible in our warehouse management system (WMS). Here are some common questions that our users have had when getting started.

How do you manage inventory expiration dates?

Perishable products need to be used before their manufacturer expiration date.
You can use a warehouse management system (like Shipedge) that tracks these
dates and uses the data to influence daily operations.

Inventory Allocation – allocating inventory using a first-expire first-out (FEFO)
methodology will ensure that products are not picked at random, which leads
to eventual product waste (due to expiration).

Expired Stock Retrieval – stock that is no longer of good quality should be automatically blocked and unavailable for use.

Expiration Date Outbound Tracking – in the case of a customer service incident related to product expiration/quality, order data should be used to determine if the products that we’re sent to the customer are within quality thresholds.

Why is it important to track expiration dates?

If expiration dates are not tracked in the event of a customer service issue related to product quality, your team should be able to provide additional information related to when the order was shipped and when the products in the order will expire. Advanced warehouse management systems (like Shipedge) are able to track and provide this data.

Is it hard to manage product by expiration dates?

Expiration date management is fairly simple given you are using the correct tools. An advanced warehouse management system (like Shipedge) will take your expiration date data and automatically influence your fulfillment and warehousing workflows to consider product quality.

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