ERP and WMS: What is the Difference and Which is Best for You?

erp and wms: what is the difference and which is best for you?
In the complex and fast-paced world of warehouse and supply chain management, two types of software often become the focal…
Written by Amanda
Category: Supply Chain
December 22, 2023
3 min read


In the complex and fast-paced world of warehouse and supply chain management, two types of software often become the focal…
Written by Amanda
Category: Supply Chain
December 22, 2023
3 min read

In the complex and fast-paced world of warehouse and supply chain management, two types of software often become the focal point of discussions: Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. These technologies are pivotal in driving efficiency and effectiveness in business operations. But what is an ERP and WMS, and how do they differ? More importantly, which is best for your specific needs, and how can they work together? This blog post dives deep into the world of ERP and WMS to help you make informed decisions.

What is a WMS?

A Warehouse Management System (WMS) is a sophisticated technology designed to optimize all aspects of warehouse operations. This type of system is not just about storage – it’s about understanding and controlling the movement, storage, and processing of items within a warehouse to maximize efficiency and accuracy. A WMS provides detailed visibility into inventory levels, the location of goods, and the status of orders and shipments.

The capabilities of a WMS can range from simple, such as inventory location tracking, to complex, including labor management and predictive analytics for demand forecasting. Advanced WMS solutions may incorporate technologies like barcode scanning, automated billing for third-party logistics (3PL) companies, and serial number tracking to further streamline warehouse operations. This system is critical for businesses looking to minimize errors, reduce labor costs, improve customer service, and ensure fast, accurate fulfillment.

What is an ERP?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are comprehensive software platforms designed to manage and integrate all the critical functions of a business. While a WMS focuses specifically on warehouse operations, an ERP system encompasses a much broader range of business processes, including finance, HR, sales, procurement, and customer relationship management, among others.

An ERP acts as a centralized database, allowing different departments to communicate and share information more efficiently. It helps in eliminating data silos, ensuring that every department works with the same information.

ERPs can provide valuable insights through analytics and reporting tools, helping businesses forecast trends, manage budgets, and make informed strategic decisions. Modern ERP systems are highly customizable and scalable, meaning they can grow and adapt as a business evolves. A more recent trend that ERP systems are following is incorporating AI and machine learning to automate processes and provide advanced analytical capabilities.

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Which Software is Needed for Warehouse and Supply Chain Operations

The complexity of modern warehouse and supply chain operations requires a multifaceted approach to software solutions. The choice between a Warehouse Management System (WMS) and an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, or a combination of both, largely depends on the specific needs and scale of the business.

  • For Small to Medium-sized Businesses: Smaller operations might begin with a basic WMS to improve inventory accuracy and order fulfillment processes. As they grow, integrating this with a more comprehensive ERP system can provide the additional oversight and resource planning needed for expansion. However, a WMS will still be an integral part of daily business operations as businesses scale.
  • For Larger Enterprises: Large businesses with complex supply chains typically require both a robust WMS and an ERP system to manage logistical challenges. These organizations need the detailed operational control provided by a WMS, as well as the broad, integrative capabilities of an ERP to manage the full spectrum of their business processes.
  • Specialized Software for Specific Needs: Apart from WMS and ERP, other software like Transportation Management Systems (TMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, and advanced analytics platforms might also be necessary to address specific aspects of the supply chain.

Using an ERP and WMS Together

Integrating an ERP with a WMS can create a powerful synergy that enhances the capabilities of both systems:

  • Data Consistency and Visibility: A seamless flow of information between ERP and WMS ensures that all departments have access to up-to-date, consistent data. This integration allows for real-time inventory tracking, more accurate forecasting, and better decision-making across the organization.
  • Streamlined Operations: When ERP and WMS systems work together, processes like order fulfillment, procurement, and financial reporting become more efficient. Having an extra layer of inventory and order visibility in the ERP system can help streamline overall operations.
  • Strategic Insights: The combined data from ERP and WMS systems provide a comprehensive view of business operations, offering insights that can drive strategic improvements. Businesses can identify trends, optimize resource allocation, and better predict future needs.

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Using an ERP with Shipedge’s WMS

Shipedge’s WMS is designed to be flexible and scalable, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to integrate with an existing ERP system.

  • Customizable Integration: Shipedge’s WMS can be tailored to fit the specific needs of your ERP system, ensuring a smooth integration that respects the unique aspects of your business processes.
  • Real-Time Data Exchange: Shipedge’s WMS allows for real-time data exchange with ERP systems. This capability ensures that changes in inventory levels, order status, and other critical information are immediately reflected across both systems.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: By leveraging the strengths of both Shipedge’s WMS and your ERP system, you can optimize warehouse operations, improve planning and forecasting, and ultimately provide better service to your customers.
  • Support and Scalability: Shipedge provides robust support to help businesses integrate their WMS with their ERP system, ensuring a seamless transition and ongoing efficiency. As your business grows, Shipedge’s scalable solutions grow with you, accommodating increased volume and complexity without skipping a beat.

Discover how our WMS can improve your business


Warehouse Management Systems are a crucial tool for businesses of all sizes looking to optimize their warehouse and supply chain operations. Like the solutions offered by Shipedge, a WMS provides detailed control and visibility, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction across the board.

While Enterprise Resource Planning systems are typically more suited to the complex needs of large, enterprise-level operations, a robust WMS can serve as the operational backbone for a wide array of businesses, delivering substantial benefits regardless of scale.

By integrating a WMS with your existing systems, even those with ERP, you ensure a seamless, data-driven, and highly efficient warehouse operation, positioning your business for growth and adaptability in a competitive marketplace.

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Ben Johnson

Very well explained!

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